Married To A Blogger- Husbands Tell All
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Ever wonder what it’s like to be married to a blogger? These husbands give you a candid look into the lives of a blogger’s spouse. Read on for humor, truth, and more truth!
I have a super fun post for you today that is bound to make you giggle. It’s outside of my usual home decor box. Spoiler alert, I laugh out loud every time I read it!
Today I have for you, some of my favorite bloggers whose husbands often grace us with their presence on social media. They tell us what it’s like to be married to a blogger in the most hilarious of ways!
Married to a Blogger Interview: “Mr. Schneider”, formerly “Mr. Lemons to Lovelys”
1. What is it like to be married to someone who puts their life out there on the internet?
“From my point of view, attractive women put their lives out on the internet through 2 different avenues: (i) blogging and (ii) naughty websites. I’m just glad my wife is a blogger…”
2. What are some of the weirdest things we say? Buzz words/phrases you’ve picked up on while watching your wife do her thing?
“You guys say “space” more times in a day than NASA does in a year. It’s not just you; the corporate world is currently suffering from buzzwordology right now, as well, and people are being given promotions based on the context in which they use the word “space” throughout the day. I bet a correlative analysis would prove that bloggers’ use of the word “space” is directly related to their number of followers. Aside from that, I’m still trying to figure out what “stories” and “giveaways” are, and if one would pass out if they actually saw Dear Lillie in person (whoever that is?)…”
3. If you had your own blog, what would it be called and what would your niche be?
“@lemonstolovelies. I’d specialize in the correct spelling of words that aren’t in the dictionary.”
4. What’s the best and worst thing about being Mr. Schneider, formerly known as “Mr Lemons to Lovelys”?
“The best: Honestly, the satisfaction and sense of purpose that it brings to her life. Without this creative outlet, we may be living in a van down by the river.
The worst: The fame. I can’t go out in public anymore without someone saying “Hey, there’s Mr. LemonstoLovelys!!” followed by things such as “… can you elaborate on your wife’s use of the kitten filter when reflecting upon Chip & Joanna’s Inner-city farmhouse remodel?”… At first, it was great and all, but I’m getting tired of it. I now know how Rick Astley felt in the late 1980s…”
Married to A Blogger Interview: “Mr. Vintage Porch”
Visit Natalie’s blog, My Vintage Porch or her Instagram @vintageporch
1. What is it like to be married to someone who puts their life out there on the Internet?
“Seeing Nat put herself out there makes me so proud of her for the hard work she has done. She is a very humble, hard-working, loving person, who has an amazing God-given gift, in her decorating/styling abilities and in her fun-loving, ornery, tell-it-like-it-is personality. She doesn’t do this because she seeks or craves attention or accolades. Rather, because she shares from her heart and her experiences. She knows the reality first-hand of what it is like to try to decorate a home with very little finances or resources, and truly wants to share that with as many people as she can. Her motto is that you don’t have to have tons of money to make your home feel and look like “home.” I swear her talent and knack for DIYs, design, decorating, art, photography and seeing some kind of potential in every little thing she comes across…and everything else she does, oozes from her pores. It is really awesome to sit back and watch her share a little piece of herself with everyone out there. It also provides for some really great entertainment”
2. What are some of the weirdest things we say? Buzz words/phrases you’ve picked up on while watching your wife do her thing?
“The first time I heard Nat say these things and what went through my head…my word associations:
- Algorithms = distant memories I have tried to regress from Calculus.
- hashtags = I like mine fried in bacon grease, served with eggs over medium.
- PODs = I used to shuck them on my grandma’s porch before supper (by the way I still don’t know what that acronym stands for).
- permalinks = My grandmas used to get those once a month at the beauty salon.
- tagging someone = recess game”
3. If you had your own blog, what would it be called and what would your niche be?
“This one makes me laugh…Maybe Mr. VintagePorch so I could tell all the behind the scenes of the woodwork projects and other fun things Nat has me creating or working on.”
4. What’s the best thing about being Mr. Vintage Porch and the worst thing?
“The best thing is getting to do life right along side Mrs. Vintage Porch. She is truly an incredible woman. I wish you could all meet her in person. Her personality is contagious. She’s always making me (and our kids) laugh and making poor Chester pose or do something for a carrot or a pancake. Funny thing is, I’ve come to embrace that it doesn’t matter whether I like what she does in our house or not, as long as she likes it! Besides, even if I don’t like it, it will probably be different within the next week or so anyway! 🙂
The worst?…If you would have asked me that 5-6 years ago, I would have said it drives me crazy that she springs these projects on me. But I have come to realize, spontaneity is just her bend, it’s what makes her tick and is what made her so attractive to me in the first place. So, really, there is no “worst part.” It’s just a matter of my perspective. Once I reframed my perspective, I began to love what she was doing and support her in it. In fact, I love doing this journey with her. Sure, I know there is a good chance that when I walk in the door tonight, there might be a new rug, or a different picture hanging or piece of furniture in the living room…heck, there may even be a wall painted (or even missing completely). However, I know she’s in her element, doing what she loves to do and sharing it with y’all. And, I just happen to be lucky enough to be there, do some projects for her and witness it all firsthand. It’s a real blessing getting do this with her.”

Married to a Blogger Interview: “Mr. Hi Sugarplum”

1. What is it like to be married to someone who puts their life out there on the internet?
“Mostly I just worry about her safety, but she’s careful about what she shows. As far as over sharing our personal lives, she’s pretty good about putting the phone down when we’re together as a family and never posts us without our consent first.”
2. What are some of the weirdest things we say? Buzz words/phrases you’ve picked up on while watching your wife do her thing?
“I still don’t get hashtags! However, I have mastered the angle she likes for outfit pics!”
3. If you had your own blog, what would it be called and what would your niche be?
“My blog would probably have something to do with music and positivity”
4. What’s the best and worst thing about being Mr. Sugar Plum?
“We have had some amazing travel opportunities, and met some great people, so that’s definitely a perk! The downside is, she’s self employed so it never seems to stop! But, she loves it and I am so proud of her drive and creativity!”
Married to a Blogger Interview: “Mr. The Downtown Aly”
Visit Aly’s blog, Casa Beads or her Instagram @thedowntownaly
1. What is it like to be married to someone who puts their life out there on the internet?
“Nerve-racking, and I mean that in the best way. Meaning, is this plane going to crash because I live in constant fear that she is going to be doing some home tour or story and I’m going to pop up in my underwear?”
2. What are some of the weirdest things we say? Buzz words/phrases you’ve picked up on while watching your wide do her thing?
“For the longest time I thought ‘link in bio’ was a person named Lincoln Bio”
3. If you had your own blog, what would it be called and what would your niche be?
“If I had my own blog it would be called ‘I’m A Person Too’ . My niche would be helping other husbands of Insta famous wives cope.”
4. What’s the best and worst thing about being Mr. The Downtown Aly?
“The best thing is that I get an awesome discount from stores that follow her. The worst part is that most stores are home decor.”
Married to a Blogger Interview: “Mr. Finders Keepers Designs”
Visit Jade’s blog, Finders Keepers Designs or her Instagram @finderskeepersdesigns
1. What is it like to be married to someone who puts their life out there on the internet?
“Honestly, my cute wife has been talking to strangers in line at grocery stores, waiters, and moms struggling with toddlers at Target for as long as I have known her. This is just an extension of the social, people loving woman that she has always been. To know her is to love her!”
2. What are some of the weirdest things we say? Buzz words/phrases you’ve picked up on while watching your wide do her thing?
” ‘All the things’ is one we always tease her for. Also, SHIPLAP! We talk about it and put it in every room of our house”
3. If you had your own blog, what would it be called and what would your niche be?
“I am actually working on a website right now for our farm tables and cutting boards. However, I am not sure I would be very good at blogging and sharing all the things with everyone. (see what I did there) I will stick to watching her and building.”
4. What’s the best and worst thing about being Mr. Finders Keepers Designs?
“The best thing is watching my wife fulfill one of her life long passions and seeing people respond to her the way I always knew they would. The worst is being recognized as her husband at Home Depot.”

Oh thank you for that. It was a great way to end this day of celebrating love.
I am so glad! Thank you for following along!
This is an adorable post! Love it.
Thank you so much Courtney!
Oh my goodness Marci… this was THE BEST READ!! They are too cute! Can’t wait to follow these ladies (and their funny behind the scenes husbands!)